Healing By The Teachings Of Prophet Usen MJ

When I look back at my life before joining SWAT Church, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for how far God has brought me. The changes have been so profound that I could never exhaust the testimonies of His faithfulness.

It all started during a Sunday service in the Masked series, where Pastor shared a message about identity. He humorously illustrated how some people can only drink specific brands of bottled water because their bodies are sensitive. That lighthearted analogy struck a deep chord in me—I had been living that reality for years. My body was so sensitive that I could only consume specific brands of water and eat from carefully selected places. Dining out like most people wasn’t an option because it often left me terribly ill, sometimes even before I finished eating.

But something about Pastor’s words that day ignited faith in my heart. As I left that service, I decided to test what I had heard. I drank a bottled drink and later at home, took some sachet water (something I’d avoided for years). To my amazement, I was completely fine. Since then, I’ve eaten at roadside restaurants and tried foods I once feared—and I’ve remained perfectly healthy. Not even a headache has plagued me since that Sunday.

Another moment of healing came during Spirit School. One of the directors noticed my sensitivity to fragrances and prayed for me, sharing her own testimony of healing from a similar issue. Later that night, I visited someone who unexpectedly sprayed air freshener. Panic began to rise in me, and they quickly started opening windows, trying to help. But then I realized something miraculous—I felt completely fine. The prayer had worked! Today, I can use any perfume or fragrance without a single reaction.

And that’s not all. I was once diagnosed with severe anxiety, which kept me isolated in my room and far from meaningful connections. Venturing outside my comfort zone felt impossible. But as I listened to one of Pastor’s messages on Telegram titled The Gospel of Money, I was struck by his sister’s testimony about a similar struggle. Her words—“I woke up one morning and nothing”—perfectly captured my own experience. Gradually, peace replaced my anxiety, and I began thriving at work, connecting with people, and even visiting friends.

I feel like a brand-new person. My mind is clear, my heart is steady, and my life is filled with joy and freedom.

Thank you, Jesus, for healing me. Thank you, Pastor, for being a vessel of honor, for pouring out so much to lead us closer to the truth. Through you, God has worked wonders in my life, and I am eternally grateful.


Healed of a Severe and Recurrent Eye Pain at GOM